Hollywood Calling

Backstreet has provided consulting services for several blockbuster Movies. See if you can spot our "tech" in the upcoming movies listed below.
When we say we have designed a system for almost every application, we can include Hollywood blockbuster movies. When the producers want to get the "tech" right, they call the experts that they trust.
Tin Soldier - Starring Jamie Foxx
Tin Soldier chronicles the deeds of The Bokushi (Foxx), whose teaching has drawn innumerable veterans who are looking for asylum and meaning. Surrounded by his enthusiastic military-educated adherents, he has made an invulnerable shelter and stockpiled a wealth of armaments. After many botched infiltration operations, the authorities' military operator Emmanuel Ashburn (De Niro) - enlist Nash Cavanaugh (Eastwood), a former special forces operative who was once a Bokushi's follower. Nash uses private information to take vengeance on the person who took all he had.
Tin Soldier is an action-pack thriller! Keep your eye out for its release.

Den of Thieves 2 Pantera - Starring Gerard Butler
The first film in the franchise featured intense action sequences with its cops and robbers plot, ultimately leading to Jackson's character escaping to London. In a previous interview, Butler stated that the next installment would occur in Europe as they search for Donnie in Marseilles' diamond district. We will be traveling to Marseilles, the Alps, and London this time, which is definitely a more glamorous journey compared to the last one, and likely a more enjoyable one.
The details of the upcoming production, including its locations and plot, are set; indications suggest that Den of Thieves: Pantera will feature an international scope. Gerard Butler expressed that the sequel is "a lot more fun" than its predecessor, which "dealt with marital issues and some heavy stuff," adding that it was a great script written by Christian Gudegast.
Den Of Thieves 2 Pantera - Keep your eye out for its release.