Hawaii's #1 Security Camera Dealer & Installation Service
Business & Commercial Security Camera Systems Installed
Honolulu - Hilo - Kailua - Kapolei - Pear City - Waipahu
Also Available in all Hawaii State Counties:
Hawaii County - Honolulu County - Kalawao County - Kaua'i County - Maui County
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Crime Statistics for Hawaii
Overall Crime Rating:
B- (2.80% higher than national average)
High Risk Crimes:
Investing in a security camera system effectively protects your home and family from criminals. Research consistently shows that these devices deter crime, with a reduction of 65% or more. Additionally, having surveillance cameras provides valuable evidence of criminal activity occurring. Surveillance camera systems are a proven cost-effective method to prevent, record, and decrease the overall rate of crime and will provide both you and your family with a much-needed peace of mind.
Honlulu Crime Rating:
B (7.46% lower than national average)
Highest Risk Crime: Vehicle Theft
Honolulu is the capital and largest city of Hawaii. It is located on the island of Oʻahu, along the southeast coast. Honolulu is the westernmost and southernmost major city in the United States. It serves as Hawaii's main gateway to the rest of the world. The city is a hub for business, finance, hospitality, and military defense in both Hawaii and the wider Oceania region. Honolulu's diverse population and cultural influences from Asia, the West, and the Pacific are evident in its demographics, cuisine, and traditions.